Please see below for the summaries of the podcasts posted during Dec. Happy listening!
175: Ask the Med Experts, update 2025: What to know about Medical clearances while living overseas NOW
Should I accept an overseas post with my current medical condition? What are my options? This is the episode on Med Services you ALL want to hear. Let's talk about specifics on general medical clearances and mental health. Join us to consider your own choice in how to connect your medical needs to the work/location you are considering.
Expert insights from:Director Jen Monna--Health Unit experienced current directorKip Quenin- RMO/P
MED Sharepoint homepage:
Med survey
176- Tax Expert for International Work, EFMs, and more
We are glad to welcome an international tax expert for this episode. Alex has great expertise to share with us in the diplo community.
177- Career Options, EFM/Trailing Spouse work decisions
Starting a New Career: The Time Is Now! Are you an EFM looking for meaningful and profitable work that has longevity? World-renowned Marketing Coach Amel Derragui joins Katie Fowle and Sharoya to discuss how EFMs can turn their passions into portable businesses. Katie and Sharoya share their personal stories of creating businesses that are rewarding, impactful, and sustainable from post to post.
Connect With Amel
Podcast: The Time is Now