I hope you find happiness one day. Not the kind you share in a status update, but the enduring kind. The quiet happiness that you’ve never really felt before and yet it feels as if it’s always been inside of you, waiting to be found. Like a house that’s sat empty for years waiting for you to turn on the lights.
Waiting to be a home.
~J. M. Storm
What does that sort of happiness look like for you? What might that feel like? This week, I ask you to take 15 to 20 minutes to sit down and write out a description of what that feels like for you, for your family, and for your life right now. Once you have it down to the best of your ability, tape your description where you can see it (fridge, bathroom mirror, etc). This can be your reminder of what you are aiming for, what you already have, and you can focus on being happy and finding your home.