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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown

Wellness Newsletter #229

Life is not a sprint. Life is a marathon.

Posts from Happy Monday! You know those cameras set up in amusement parks and rides are never in places where the resulting image is flattering. These from a haunted house, though, are priceless. Happy Halloween! New recipe: Sure, the processor did the work, but you have to add the right ingredients to make a good treat, right? Here is a list of 'right' ingredient options! New post: Do you take the time to be deliberately grateful? This is a great day to do just that. Wellness News Around the 'Net Physical Health Eat Well And here you thought the Fountain of Youth was just a myth! Guess again... but it isn't exactly what you might have thought. Be Active You've heard about these bands. Is this a piece of equipment you need? Hm, maybe. They are pretty darn awesome. Let's move! Who says you need weights to work your legs? This timer has seven exercises and then an ab burnout. Each exercise will repeat three times: first 60 seconds, then 45, and then 30. You'll focus on your lower body, but each move will incorporate some core, too. Ready? Start your music! Spiritual Health Too many thoughts swirling around in there? Focus on the wisest one. Mental & Emotional Health Your brain is absolutely amazing and super capable. Unless you’re stressed. Then all bets are off. Social Health Sometimes, you have to say No. Guess what, though? It doesn't have to be awful. Be your best, friends s

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