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Wellness Newsletter #190

Writer's picture: Susie Csorsz BrownSusie Csorsz Brown

Do not be afraid of going slowly. Only be afraid of standing still.

Do not be afraid that you do not know something. Only be afraid of not learning about it. Physical Health Eat Well Sugar is not-so-sweet when it comes to brain development in children. Be Active The most effective order for you to do your exercises during your workout depends on what your end goal might be. Let's move! This is an admittedly challenging workout, incorporating cardio and then strength toning using a wall. Yes, a wall. Clear some space, and start your music! Spiritual Health Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion. Here, 4 principles of this philosophy you can apply to your life. Mental & Emotional Health Your mood, only reframed. Your outlook, only from a different angle. Social Health It's not just love that makes a relationship endure. Laughter, too, is necessary.

Posts from Happy Monday! Tomorrow, 1 Feb, celebrates Chinese New year! Want to learn more about this fascinating celebration? Happy year of the Water Tiger! Check out the recent episodes on The Big Purple Blob 044 - Assistive Technology 043 - What's it really like to be CLO? 042 - Menopause_ You're not alone and it doesn't have to be awful 041 - How to talk to your child's therapist New Recipe: Take a couple cans of good tuna, add herbs and a handful of other tasty mix-ins, and you have a great dinner option. Or lunch option. Or mid-afternoon option. It can get really easy to get bogged down in all that you perceive you are not doing as a parent, amiright? Take the time to celebrate your wins, too! Be your best, friends s


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