Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive. Physical Health What is energy? It’s not just sleeping well, getting through the day. And certainly, it’s not something you find at the bottom of a cup of coffee. Eat Well So you're thinking of going vegetarian? It's not as hard of a transition as you might imagine.
Be Active I'm a morning exerciser, but I can see why that isn't always the most popular option. How do you give up the lure of your bed? Of course, the biggest take home from this article: the best time to workout is the time that works best for you. Let's move! I'm a big fan of HIIT, sure, but I am also a big fan of changing things up, doing different exercises to keep your body and muscles guessing. Try this workout! Spiritual Health Hoping a grudge doesn't do anything other than make you miserable. Get over it! Mental & Emotional Health Sleep! It's good for you for so many reasons. I hope you are getting sufficient amounts. Social Health Good relationships are awesome. Bad relationships? Well, they aren’t so awesome, especially for your health. Posts from Happy Monday! Did you ever wonder what your pet might say if they could speak? Or do you just make up the words for them because you know them so well? Yeah, me too. New recipe: Shrimp cakes? Yes! And this cilantro avocado sauce/mash may very well become one of our new favorite toppings. Your kids are on their screens a lot, especially if they have been distance learning. Probably, they are actually on task. Unless, that is, the device is being surveilled especially during personal hours. Body image is a complicated, multi-faceted THING. How do we help our kids gain a positive view of their outward self, while giving room for their growing understanding of what is 'beauty'... There is beauty in diversity; how we see ourselves, how we hear the opinion of others, how we respond to outside commentary ... it is a skill, for sure. Be your best, friends