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Resolutions: Family Time

Writer's picture: Susie Csorsz BrownSusie Csorsz Brown

In support of you, in support of more positive family interactions, in support of happier weekends and less yelling, this month we'll focus on how to make your family time experiences a little more joyful.

Today's topic: how do I communicate better with my kiddo?

Step one: listen more. I know you are in charge. I know you are the adult in the room. But your kid has something he wants to share with you. Do not interrupt. Do not wait for your moment to speak. Do not raise your voice. If you cannot do these four things (maybe you're too busy, or too angry, or too emotionally overwrought), tell your child that, and ask for a minute to get unbusy/calm down/get over yourself. "I cannot give this my full attention right now. I love you and want to listen. Let's regroup at (insert specific time here)."

Step two: help your kid articulate what is going on. Give them the tools to communicate. As social as humans are, we are not always that great at communicating.

From a young age, as they become more aware of different emotions, help them name the emotions they meet. Also *very important* help them understand and accept that there is no such thing as a "bad" emotion. Experiencing the full spectrum is vital, just like being able to recover from either extreme.

When they get older, help them to articulate what they are feeling and how they can help move toward a solution. Phrases such as the one below can help them.

I feel ________ when ________ and I wish _________.

Are these the only steps needed to improve communication with your kiddo? No. Or, at least probably not. But they will 100% move you in the right direction.

Next week? What can you do together as a family? I have some suggestions.

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