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Newsletter #154

Writer's picture: Susie Csorsz BrownSusie Csorsz Brown

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!'” ~ Audrey Hepburn Physical Health Eat Well There are probably legit reasons for your food cravings. That said, satisfying a craving does not mean you have to eat the whole bag/can/package Be Active As with nutrition trends, it can be really hard to know what’s the best direction for your exercise efforts. Well, A, do what you like to do and will keep doing. And B, diehard been around a while. Fads are fads because, well, they are not worthy of staying around. Let's move! This timer is called Building up. You have 3 groups of move pairs. You'll run through each combination, and then repeat. Each pair is in a 5 minute block. You'll start with one of each move. Then two. Three. Four. Up until the 5 minute timer ends and you rest. Pace yourself, and remember that form is more important than numbers of reps. You can do this! Start your music! Spiritual Health I admit, I am biased as green is my favorite color, but being in Green Spaces can literally make a difference in your frame of mine. Mental & Emotional Health Angry much? It isn’t great for your health, unfortunately. Social Health Love ‘em or hate ‘em, most of us have a boss. Most of us have some sort of hierarchy at work (unless we are working for ourselves, I guess). Some of the situations are more positive than others. Posts from I'm on the Big Purple Blob again this week, this time talking about how to have a good vacation ... good for all ages. Any winning suggestions you've come up with? Please share! Happy Monday! Hope you had a good weekend. We are super quiet here, experiencing an 'island-wide travel restriction' (that is not/not a lockdown, according to the gov't). My link for you this morning is a very cool, super slo-mo video of glass breaking. I actually learned a bit about glass, and also about video-making. Hope you enjoy! New recipe: A project bread, for sure, but a fun project to make with your family. We love this with meat and also veggie-only versions. Hope you try it! New post: 'To forgive is divine', right? The one who benefits most from your giving forgiveness for a wrong is you. Be your best, friends



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