Keep ignoring feedback and life will keep teaching you the same lesson.

Posts from
Every single person you encounter is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. Your one tiny action can create powerful ripples that extend far beyond yourself. Create more ripples.
New recipe: walnut crusted chicken is the chicken you didn’t know you needed until you try it, and then are oh-so-glad you can make for yourself any time you want.
New post: a conversation about hoping to benefit our kids' school experiences, no matter what color their skin may be.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Sadly this is not new news, but rather more and more evidence to what we already know: our diet is killing us.
Be Active
Sometimes the best you can do is just move a little more.
Let's move!
This timer includes 4 3-move circuits. You'll get a good sweat on with this full-body workout! Start your music!
Spiritual Health
Luckily being kind is good for others AND for your own health!
Mental & Emotional Health
Happiness is not all that elusive … if you know how to capture it.
Social Health
You love this friend but still somehow life got in the way and the tie loosened. Suggestions as to how to reconnect and keep that connection strong.
Be your best, friends