"Sometimes, you have to look around at the life you've made and sort of nod at it, like someone moving their head up and down to a tune they like." Ada Limón
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook Happy Monday! Another travel week for us, heading back to home. This is a tougher one, though, as my eldest is staying stateside to start uni. !!! Our nuclear family will now be on 2 continents, oceans apart, and I have big feelings about this. I’m sure more on that later. My Monday link for you: Maybe we should consider rewilding is the answer. https://www.positive.news/environment/rewilding-the-farm-where-miracles-of-nature-happen/ New recipe: Chicken meatballs but with a gingery kick. A favorite with my herd (plus makes enough for when friends are joining for dinner). Highly recommend! https://www.heprecipe.com/post/gingery-chicken-meatballs 'Tis that time of year again... back to school letter to my boys time. Hope you are all rolling into school happy, healthy and wise, and maybe a bit ready to stop having fun in the sun. https://www.healthyexpatparent.com/post/back-to-school-letter-for-my-boys Wellness News Around the 'Net Physical Health Eat Well Are you snacking when you should perhaps be reaching for a glass of water instead? https://www.seattletimes.com/life/wellness/hunger-vs-thirst-are-you-eating-when-you-should-be-drinking/ Be Active I am 100% a morning workout person, but I know that doesn't appeal to everyone. Here is a list of more reasons why you too might consider setting your alarm just a wee bit earlier and joining me for a morning sweat sesh. https://www.valetmag.com/health-fitness/fitness/2018/morning-workout-benefits-100318.php Let's move! This timer will have you moving through pairs of moves, 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. You can do this! Start your music! https://www.intervaltimer.com/shared/d99Yj1fDECDmrV6rd8Z5-45-On-15-Off-aBAB Spiritual Health You are feeeeellliiiing verrrryyy caaaalllmmm. Verrrrrryyyy caaaallllmm. Ok, not hypnosis, but there are specific things people who are calm tend to do. Follow their lead! https://iamalexmathers.medium.com/12-habits-of-the-calmest-people-i-know-fea1cb8a1b4f Mental & Emotional Health Are you an over-thinker? Unfortunately, this habit can lead to insomnia, extra stress and anxiety. Let’s take a look at how to spend less time worrying. https://psyche.co/guides/how-to-stop-overthinking-with-help-from-metacognitive-strategies? Social Health Advice for feeling less lonely, for being comfortable with being alone as you get older (and, really, at most adult ages). https://psyche.co/guides/how-to-feel-less-lonely-as-work-and-family-quieten-down-later-in-life Be your best, friends s