Only fake flowers are flawless.
Posts from
What does your NY resolution list look like? Do you know how you are going to achieve success? Let's talk about it, and talk about how we move through the goal setting cycle. 4 Women talking:
Happy Monday! A happy turn of luck with this story: normally when you drop your camera into the water, that’s pretty much just an expensive mistake. Not for this guy. (As an aside, seals and whales go by his house. Like a normal occurrence. My mind is blown.).
Want your kids (and you!) to eat more greens? Try this awesome kale salad.
New post: is one of your goals this year to spend more time with the family? How about some great game suggestions?
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Traveling? Let’s keep your tummy happy.
Be Active
Not just to get your 10,000 steps, but rather getting up and walking, getting up and moving, getting up and doing something really boosts your cardiovascular health and also your mood, your energy and your motivation.
Let's move!
This timer is move A + move B = Move C. Yes, tough but you can do this! Start your music!
Spiritual Health
Two things for you to ask yourself: Are you sacrificing your self-respect for the sake of someone else’s approval? If so, how soon can you stop?
Mental & Emotional Health
So, what do you do in your spare time? Hobbies, anyone?
Social Health
It can be hard to hear a comment or complaint that sounds accusatory and not feel defensive. This starts a downward spiral, though, that can tear apart a relationship.
Be your best, friends