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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown

Be your best #320

It is not our differences that divide us.  It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences. ~Audre Lorde

Happy Monday! Hope you’re enjoying your Olympics-watching! If you have a few spare minutes, try your hand at this eyeballing game:

New recipe: For us, it is back to school this week.  And this (chocolate!  Whole grain!) banana bread for breakfast is going to set them off on the right foot. 

Back to school letter time.  Every year, I write my wishes for the year ahead for my boys.  Sharing it here with you.

Wellness News Around the 'Net

Physical Health

Eat Well

Interesting viewpoint on supplements, their efficacy and the role they play in you actually not trying your hardest when it comes to different aspects of wellness.

Be Active

It’s good to know what can help your muscles recover after a workout (esp one that may have been more taxing).  It’s also good to know what doesn’t work.

Let's move!

40 second intervals and you can add some movement to your rests, too.  10 minute blocks will repeat 3 times. 

Spiritual Health

We humans often regret inaction more than action.  

Mental & Emotional Health

The thing is, there is no such thing as a bad emotion, per se.  Emotions are all important.  Your reaction to the emotion may need some attention.

Social Health

Ah, true love.  Sure, there is that first spark that can just light a fire, but if you want it to endure, if you want it to last, you have to ensure a few elements.

Be your best, friends


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