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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown


"One of the most important words I know doesn’t have a simple English equivalent, which says a lot. Sawubona, a Zulu term means, “I see you.” Not just your face, of course, but your hopes, your dreams, where you came from and where you’re going. It’s not something we’re good at, and I need to do it better." ~ Seth Godin

Physical Health Eat Well Eat well for you AND for your mental health.  Win win! Be Active You move, you do your best, you eat right ... so why does your friend have better results than you do? Let's move! Weights with compound (but not complicated!) movements. Start your music! Spiritual Health "Bring a kind or positive thought to your mind." Mental & Emotional Health When running-and-screaming is not an option. Social Health All friendships require both people to work hard to understand the differences between them.  This is especially true and strained if your friendships are interracial.  So pay attention. Posts from Happy Monday! Here's a fun link for you: Fun facts about every country in the world! A great way to learn about different countries. A little arm-chair travel, maybe? Part 1: And part 2: New recipe: Cake! It's what's for dinner. Okay, maybe not but ... your family will appreciate it! Especially if it is chocolate! New post: Getting in the right frame of mind can make a huge difference in our outlook, right? Especially during stressful times, getting to HAPPY can be a challenge. Practicing that skill - happiness - will make this an easier challenge to accept and accomplish! Be your best, friends s

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