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60 seconds

Susie Csorsz Brown

Everywhere we turn, someone is asking for something. Everywhere we go, it is what else we can do for someone else. What about what you do for you?

What about giving yourself 60 seconds every day to just be and to focus on you?

There is a wonderful Japanese practice called “Kaizen”, and it is so simple in its beauty. The word itself has two roots - ‘kai’ (change) and ‘zen’ (wisdom). It is a one-minute principle for self-improvement. At the heart of it is the idea that a person should practice doing something for a single minute, every day at the same time. More often than not we find excuses not to do things when we believe it will take a long time. But, we can all do something -- anything -- for 60 seconds, right? Pick your timing wisely; this should happen at the same time every day. Routine is a good thing. Routine is, in itself, calming as it removes the 'what if' and 'what else' that can pile up. Try practicing Kaizen at work - create 60 seconds of routine that will bring you joy and satisfaction. When you feel you’re accomplishing something, you will begin to increase the amount of time you spend doing the task. If you’re stuck on what to focus on for those 60 seconds, start with a little bit of gratitude. You may be feeling upset or resentful that you have to physically go back to work if your employer has asked you to return. It is perfectly understandable and reasonable to feel that way. Perhaps look at reframing your feelings to gratitude by telling yourself that you are glad to have a job, a paycheck and a sense of purpose. While your situation may not be ideal, there are always reasons to be grateful. 60 seconds will feel like a gift. Try it, for one week, and see if it makes you feel more centered and calm.

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