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Ansel Brown

Kindness by Ansel Brown (age 8 when he wrote this)

Kindness means being nice on purpose like helping them carry the lunch basket or saying a compliment like ‘You have a nice smile.’ I think kindness is the most important thing in the world. So let me tell you three reasons why we need kindness.

If we didn’t have kindness everybody would be grumpy. I think kindness wakes everybody up a little bit more so they can see that kindness brings joy to the world.

Kindness means helping other people when they need help. If someone needs help, you should get up and help them. Helping is the key to being friends. Kindness makes the world be in one piece not two.

People show kindness by being generous and sharing compliments. There is always a time to be kind. At school, at home and anywhere else. You should always be kind.

Remember, kindness makes the world stay in one piece, not two. There is always a time to be kind.

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